Hello, my name is Erik, and I watch "Desperate Housewives"
Yes, I am not ashamed to admit it: I am a male fan of "Desperate Housewives." When the show first started, I figured it was going to be about whiny, superficial wives who hate men. But actually, it's a very good show. There are several underlying mysteries that the show sucks you into trying to solve, and just when you think you've figured out one of them, they throw in a new twist that basically negates any theory you may have come up with. And, of course, if you were ever a fan of "Lois and Clark," here's your second helping of Teri Hatcher.
Silvia was the one who first got me into the show, and since we've started watching it together, I've met several other men at work and in our neighborhood who secretly (or not so secretly) love the show. We'll be forming our own support group soon, complete with a 12-step program. Though I suppose that would imply that we're trying to cure ourselves of the show. So nevermind; scratch the 12-step program. Anyway, Silvia is done watching her spanish telenovela, so it's time to watch "Garden State." Yes, dear. I'm coming...
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